Frequently asked Questions

Find everything you need to know about What Could BG Be?, how to participate, and why your voice matters in shaping Bowling Green’s future.

Who can participate?

Anyone 18 and up who lives, works, plays, or stays in Warren County is invited to provide their input on the future of this community.

How will my contributions and votes be used?

Your responses and votes will be used to inform the development of the BG 2050 25-year vision document for Warren County. Additionally, individuals representing more than 100 organizations from the local community have committed to being “listening partners” and using your input to guide strategic planning within their organization.

In order to make input into the conversation readily accessible to the BG 2050 project team, our volunteers, and the rest of our listening partners, comments and votes will also be run through Jigsaw’s open source sensemaking tools. This will provide a high-level summary of the entire community conversation and will help sort individual contributions into relevant topics to ensure they are seen and can be acted on by relevant stakeholders.

If a lot of people “Agree” with an idea or statement, does that mean it will happen?

Not necessarily. When many people agree with an idea, it highlights a priority or shared interest within the community. While this doesn’t guarantee the idea will become reality, it helps the BG 2050 Project volunteers and other local leaders understand what matters most to the community.

If an idea isn’t feasible – for example, due to budget constraints or external factors – leaders may be able to use this feedback as an opportunity to explain why, to further understand the desires of the community, and to explore alternative solutions.

How long do I have to add to the conversation?

You can add your own ideas, and “agree” or “disagree” with (or “pass” on) others’ ideas from February 14 through March 17. The sooner you add ideas to the conversation, though, the more people will be able to see – and weigh in – on them. The community’s response, in turn, will help leaders make determinations about which of the ideas from the community they should prioritize.

Is there a limit to the number of ideas I can put in?

No. Share as many concrete ideas as you want! If you need help getting started, be sure to check out the instructions on the home page for what makes a great post.

What data is collected by this website? Are my responses anonymous?

All responses and votes are anonymous. No one can see who authored, agreed, or disagreed with an idea or vision for 2050. Beyond your responses, this site collects only basic analytics information for marketing purposes.

How will the final results be released?

The final results from What Could BG Be? will be released on this website before the end of April. If you would like to be alerted when the final results are ready, make sure and sign up for e-mail reminders on our home page.

Will every idea that is submitted appear in the conversation?

All ideas submitted to What Could BG Be? are reviewed by volunteer moderators from BG 2050 in accordance with our moderation policy before they appear in the conversation. Once our volunteers accept a statement, it is added to a pool of all ideas from the community that can be shown to participants to weigh in on. Polis uses machine learning to determine which statements to show to participants in order to derive the greatest possible insight from the community  as a whole, meaning some ideas may be shown more than others. You can learn more about how Polis determines which statements to show to voters on the Computational Democracy Project’s website.

A smiling woman standing outside a building.
“We need to put peer support in the schools, and make sure kids can talk to somebody without getting in trouble.”
A man standing outside a playground in autumn.
“I would love to see an education system where students have permission to innovate and learn in their own way.”

Your Voice Matters

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